On March 23, 2017, following the instructions of Ambassador Francisco T. Cepeda, a team from the Embassy traveled to Olpe, Germany to meet Dr. Braganza, head of vascular surgery department at St. Martinus Hospital In Olpe.
Dr. Braganza began his volunteer missions in 2015, working with teams from the Guido Valadares Hospital and Clínica Bairro Pité, by training local doctors with the most advanced techniques and performing around 20 daily operations. Hundreds of Timorese lives that Dr. Braganza saved during his missions, making a great contribution to the country. This volunteer project was developed during the time of Ambassador Nelson Santos but remains one of the priorities of the Embassy.
During the visit of HE Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araújo to Brussels, Dr. Branganza had the opportunity to present his project which was very well received by the head of Government, receiving strong signs of support.
Further to the medical training and assistance that Dr. Braganza provides in Dili, he also collects medical equipment in good condition that are already outdated by German standards but may still be of great value to Timor-Leste. At the moment, about 40 boxes of medical equipment and two ultrasound machines are stored at the Embassy. In 2015 and 2016, the Embassy provided transportation of some medical material with its own budget, but this time, since the volume is very high, the Embassy is analyzing the best way to transport those items. If both ultrasound machines arrive in time, Dr. Braganza will also provide a course for local doctors.
Dr. Braganza recognizes the obstacles he faces on a daily basis during his missions, but he is sure that if the appropriate Ministries / Organs work together it will be possible to further develop this cooperation. In the future, it will have the prospect of developing the same project in districts such as Bobonaro, Maliana, Baucau, Manatuto, Liquiça …
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