International Organizations
Permanent Mission of Timor-Leste to the Community of Portuguese Language Countries – Lisbon
Av. 5 de Outubro, 10 – 2.º esq.
1050-056 Lisboa, Portugal
Permanent Mission of Timor-Leste to the European Union – Brussels
Avenue Tervueren 102, 1040 Etterbeek
Bruxelas, Bélgica
Tel.: (+32) 2 735 9671
Fax: (+32) 2 733 9003
E-mail: info@timor-leste.be
Permanent Mission of Timor-Leste to the United Nations
Permanent Mission of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 441
New York, N.Y. 10017, USA
Tel.: (+1) 212 759 3675
Fax: (+1) 212 759 4196
E-mail: timor-leste@un.int
Honorary Consulate in Berlim
Steinstr. 8
10119 Berlin, Deutschland
Tel.: +49 30 20237 448
Fax: +49 30 609 8097 19
E-mail: consulatetlberlin@typos1.com
Honorary Consulate in Dublin
210 Le Fanu Road, Ballyfermot
Dublin 10, Ireland
Embassy Lisbon
Largo dos Jerónimos, n.º 3
1400-219 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel.: (+351) 213 933 730
Fax: (+351) 213 933 739
Tlm.: (+614) 3340 6677
E-mail: embaixada.rdtl@mail.telepac.pt
Honorary Consulate – Porto
Rua Rainha Dona Estefânia, 246 – 6º andar, sala 21
4150-303 Porto, Portugal
United Kingdom
Embassy London
4 Cavendish Square
London W1G 0PG
United Kingdom
Tel.: (+44) (0) 20 3440 9025-6
E-mail: info@tlembassy.co.uk
Embassy – Genebra
Rue Pestalozzi 7
1202 Genève, Suisse
Tel.: (+41) 22 788 3562/3
Fax: (+41) 22 788 3564
E-mail: info@timor-lestemission.ch
Embassy – Holly See
Via Cavour 285, p.5-int.10
00184 Roma, Italia
Tel.: (+39) 06 4782 4537
Fax: (+39) 06 4788 3366
E-mail: embtimor_santase@yahoo.it e servico.administracao@embtimorvaticano.it
Embassy – Brasília
QI 11, conjunto 10, casa 09, Lago Sul
71625-300 Brasília – DF, Brasil
Tel.: (+55) 6133 662 755
Embassy – Havana
Quinta Avenida, 7408 – 74 y 76, Miramar
La Habana, Cuba
Tel.: (+53) 7214 4547/46/45
United States of America
Embassy – Washington D.C.
4201 Connecticut Avenue, Northwest, Suite 504
Washington, D.C. 20008-1168, USA
Tel.: (+1) 202 966 3202
Fax: (+1) 202 966 3205
South Africa
Embassy – Pretória
Groenkloof 0181
Pretoria, South Africa
Tel.: +27 12 460 3442
Fax. +27 12 460 3414
E-mail: josefina.embtl-pta@telkomsa.net
Embassy – Luanda
Rua Eng. Armindo de Andrade, n.º 100/102, Bairro Miramar, Ingombota
Luanda, Angola
Tel.: (+244) 222 449 778 / 222 449 969
Mobile: (+244) 948146489
E-mail: embrdtl.luanda10@gmail.com
Embassy – Maputo
Av. Zimbabwe, 1532
Maputo, Moçambique
Fax: (+258) 2149 2679
Tlm.: (+258) 82 334 9468
Brunei Darussalam
Embassy – Bandar Seri Begawan
18 Simpang 612, Jalan Muara
Kampong Salambigar BC1515
Brunei and Muara District, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Tel.: (+673) 233 9911
Fax: (+673) 233 9922
Embassy – Beijing
203B Dong Wai Diplomatic Office Building, Chaoyang District
Beijing, People Republic of China
Tel.: (+86) 10 6468 1316 e (+86) 10 6468 1342
Fax: (+86) 10 6468 4360
Tlm.: (+614) 3340 6677
E-mail: embassy@embtimorleste-beijing.com
Website: www.embtimorleste-beijing.com
Embassy – Phnom Penh
11th floor, Phnom Penh Tower, #445, Monivong Blv
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel.: (+855) 964 788
E-mail: rdtlembcambodia15@gmail.com
South Korea
Embassy – Seoul
Suite 101-2401, Lotte Castle President; 109, Mapo Daero, Mapo-Gu
Seoul, South Korea
Tel.: (+82) 7976151
Fax: (+82) 7976152
E-mail: tlembseoul@gmail.com
Embassy – Manila
17th floor, room 1703, The Centerpoint Condominium
Garnet Road corner Julia Vargas Avenue, Ortigas Center, 1600 Pasig City
Metro Manila, Philippines
Tel.: (+ 63) 26 3794 05
Honorary Consulate – Baguio, Ilocos, Subic, Dagupan, Tarlac e Pampanga
Honorary Consulate – Davao
Tel.: (+63) 911 0205 e (+63) 435 2900
E-mail: gnmiclat@gmail.com
Embassy – Jacarta
Mayapada Tower, 19th floor
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 28
Jakarta 12920, Indonesia
Tel.: (+62) 21 5794 0102/03, (+62) 21 5794 0250 e (+62) 21 5292 2549
Fax: (+62) 21 5794 0201 e (+62) 21 5292 2548
Consulate General – Bali
Jln. Tukad Mas #4, Denpasar
Bali 80225, Indonesia
Tel.: (+62) 03 6123 5093
Fax: (+62) 03 6123 5093
Tlm.: (+62) 812 3917 6529
E-mail: cgtl@dpsbali.com
Consulate – Kupang
Jl. Frans Seda
Fatululi, Kota Kupang
NTT 81115, Indonesia
Tel.: (+62) 38 0855 4551-2
Fax: (+62) 38 0855 4553
Consular Agent – Atambua
Timor Hotel, room 118
Jln. Siwabessi
Atambua, Indonesia
Tel.: (+62) 0389 21024
Fax: (+62) 0389 21024
Honorary Consulate – Surabaia
Jln. Kencana Sari Barat II / AA No. 8
Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60225, Indonesia
Tel.: (+62) 31 568 1548
Fax: (+62) 31 562 3139
E-mail: 217urab@onemedhealthcare.com
Embassy – Tokyo
8- 9 – 1 Fujimi – Cho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 102 – 0071, Japan
Tel.: (+81) 33 238 0210
Fax: (+81) 33 238 0201
E-mail: diplomat01@embtltokyo.jp
Embaixada – Vientiane
Brichane Road, Phonsinoun Village, Sisattanack District
Vientiane, Laos
Tlm.: (+856) 20 851 6408
E-mail: rdtlembvientiane14@gmail.com
Honorary Consulateo – Beirut
Allenby Street, Solidere, Downtown
11-1616 Beirut, Lebanon
Tel.: (+961) 1 991 555
Fax: (+961) 1 991 666
Tlm.: (+961) 3 588 999
E-mail: joseph.issa@consularcorps.cc
Embassy – Kuala Lumpur
62 Jl. Ampang Hilir
55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel.: (+ 603) 4256 2046
Fax: (+603) 4256 2016
Embassy – Rangum
Thirimingalar 4 St
House no.4
Kamaryut Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel.: (+61) 01 230 6113
Fax: (+61) 01 230 6113
Tlm.: (+61) 43 340 6677
E-mail: embrdtl.myanmar@gmail.com
Papua New Guinea
Honorary Consulate – Port Moresby
Ground-floor, Ela Tower, Ela Beach Road, 326
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Tel.: (+ 675) 7242 4158
3 Killiney Road, Winsland House, #04-09
Singapore 239519, Singapore
Tel.: (+65) 6235 6318
Fax: (+65) 6235 9218
E-mail: timorleste.singapore2010@gmail.com
Embassy – Bangkok
1550 New Petchburi Road
Thanapoom Tower, 7th floor
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Tel.: (+66) (0)2654 7501/2
Fax: (+66) (0) 2654 7504
E-mail: embrdtl.bkk@gmail.com
Honorary Consulate – Ancara
Honorary Consulate– Istambul
Embassy – Hanoi
51 Nguyen Du Street, Hai Ba Trung District
Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel.: (+ 84) 462 782 972
Fax: (+ 84) 462 782 973
E-mail: embassy.tl.vietnam@gmail.com
Embassy – Canberra
7 Beale Crescent, Deakin
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia
Tel.: (+612) 6260 4833
Tlm.: (+614) 3340 6677
Fax: (+612) 6232 4075
E-mail: timor.embassy@bigpond.com
General Consulate – Darwin
Unit 2, level 5, 21 Lindsay Street
GPO Box 4545, Darwin NT 0801, Australia
Tel.: (+618) 8941 0239
E-mail: cgrdtl.drw@gmail.com
General Consulate – Sydney
Level 10 – Bligh House
4-6 Bligh Street
Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
PO Box: 5341 Sydney NSW 2001
Tel.: (+612) 9239 0060
Fax: (+612) 9239 0030
E-mail: consulate_admin@cgsydtl.com
Honorary Consulate – Melbourne
Ground-floor 301 Flinders Lane
Melbourne – VIC, Australia
C/o Victoria University, ground-floor 301 Flinders Lane (FLG01)
P. O. Box 14428
Melbourne – Victoria 8001, Australia
E-mail: tlconsulvictoria@gmail.com
Horário de funcionamento: 10h-13h, segundas, terças, quintas e sextas-feiras
Encerra aos feriados oficiais e férias escolares
Honorary Consulate – Queensland
10 Walssall St, The Gap Q
Queensland 4061, Australia
Tel.: (+617) 3300 3360
E-mail: tlconsulvictoria@gmail.com
Honorary Consulate – South Australia
197 Fisher Street
South Australia 5061, Australia
Tel.: (+618) 8271 77 66
E-mail: tlconsulvictoria@gmail.com
Honorary Consulate – Tasmania
182 Argyle Street
Hobart Tas 7000, Australia
PO Box 434, North Hobart Tas 7002, Australia
Tel.: (+613) 6210 6000
Fax: (+613) 6210 6099
Tlm.: +61417873213
Website: www.etep.org.au
E-mail: tlconsulvictoria@gmail.com
Horário de funcionamento: segunda – sexta, das 9h00 às 17h00
Honorary Consulate – Occidental Australia
57 Melville Road
Western Australia 6153, Australia
Tel.: (+618) 9364 6547
New Zealand
Embassy – Wellington
Craigs Investment House, level 12,
36 Customhouse Quay
PO Box 25231
Wellington City 6146, New Zealand
Tel.: (+64) 4 472 2292
Fax: (+64) 4 472 2292
E-mail: democraticrepublic.timorleste@yahoo.com