RDTL Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium and EU, Mr Francisco T. Cepeda, took over the coordination of the P-ACP Group “Pacific-ACP” for the second time since Timor-Leste acceded to the Cotonou Agreament.
The former coordinator of the Group, the Ambassador of Tuvalu, formally handed over the portfolio to Timor-Leste during the previous meeting in February 2017.
Timor-Leste’s Ambassador will coordinate the Region over the next 6 months and will participate on behalf of his colleagues in various meetings and activities in which he will defend the interests of the region.
On 6 April 2017, the Embassy of RDTL Brussels organized the 1st Meeting of the PACP Ambassadors under the coordination of Timor-Leste. During the meeting, a number of issues were discussed including the EU mission to the Pacific region, the future of the Cotonou Agreement, Climate Change, Unesco and Economic Partnership Agreements.
The meeting was followed by a working lunch.
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